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World Champion 2013 - 100m Speed Apnea - World Record Holder 2013. Monofin Coach for Freedivers.
AIDA Monofin Instructor Trainer - Author of AIDA Monofin Manuals
Freediving Instructor AIDA, PADI - EFR. Judge AIDA, AIDA Youth Instructor.
Sports Instructor: Swimming, Finswimming. Lifeguard.
Bachelor Degree in Physical and Sports Education (Sciences and Technology).
Freediver from the French Team FFESSM-CMAS (2006-2007-2008-2009). Freediver for Hong Kong national Team HKUA-CMAS (2010-2011-2012-2013). Swim Member of the Finswimming French Team, participated in 18 national championships, International Friendship Games (1997), World Games (1997), Mediterranean Games (1997), European Championships (1999-2005), World Championships (1998-2004-2006).
Instagram : @theopatrickfourcade - Facebook : @bewaterfreediving
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